Workshop Information...

Workshop Information...


Educational Catalysts is committed to the cause of education and contributing towards the betterment and development of the school and children to our various activities listed below.

           Pre-Primary Teachers Training

           Workshops for Teachers

           Child Awareness Programme for Parents

Pre-Primary Teachers Training: Our institute offers a certificate course (Regular and Correspondence) in Early Childhood Education with the basic aim to prepare teachers with necessary skills and attitude about handling young children and understanding their behavioural pattern.

Workshops for Teachers: We conduct different Workshops to reinforce the teaching skills of the teachers. We believe that in the hustle bustle of the day-to-day activities in the school, the child who is the main focus takes a back seat. The teacher gets so involved in meeting the dead lines and completing the syllabus in time that the joy, pleasure and the freshness of ideas gets lost over a period of time. At such times the Workshops break the monotony and bring about a new perspective to teaching and refocus their attention.

Child Awareness Programme for Parents: Whatever the school does in developing a child does not always get translated into action because there is no clear understanding about the various developmental areas of the child from the parent's side. In a pre-school if the child spends 3 hrs in a day, he spends the rest of the 21 hrs at home. So, it is vital that the parents too have a clear understanding about the various developmental areas and readiness aspects of the child. So that the parents can partner with the school in achieving the common goal and vision. In our endeavour to bridge this gap between the parents and the school we have come up with a novel Workshop called "Child Awareness Programme".

We have full confidence that our workshop will provide value to the school, parents and the teachers. We have conducted the Workshops in various schools here at Hyderabad and also in the district towns. Details about the Workshop are enclosed for your perusal.

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We look forward in associating with you in future too.

All rightsreserved@strawberry-fields, 2006.