Infant Pragramme...

Infant Pragramme...


This programme is for children b/w 0-6months

Here at Strawberry Fields we follow the child's individual rhythm for feeding, sleeping and toileting information with playful interaction to mirror your patterns at home. Stimulating kicking and motor activities, opportunities to pull themselves upright, rocking and cuddling are some of the areas we concentrate for the physical development of the babies. Infant from 6 weeks onwards will benefit from our Catalyst Advantage Curricula. All through these activities element of fun, love and care is retained.

There is no rigid programme schedule for infants; instead we encourage the child to learn and play at their own pace. Throughout the day the children enjoy playing large variety of play materials along side music to clam and comfort them. With the curriculum designed by our specialists we ensure your child will have a very positive, happy and a successful experience.

All rightsreserved@strawberry-fields, 2006.